The 2024 State and Territorial Suicide Prevention Needs Assessment (SNA): Identifying National Strengths and Challenges in Suicide Prevention Infrastructure
Association Between Opioid Use Disorder and Suicidal Ideation among Veterans and Non-Veterans who Endorsed Lifetime Major Depression with Sleep Disturbance
Location: Union Station Ballroom Foyer, 1st Floor, Conference Center
Examining Substance Type and Demographics in Youth Self-Poisoning Suicide Decedents in the United States from 2017 to 2021: Contextualizing Increases in Youth Sodium Nitrite Suicides
Location: Union Station Ballroom Foyer, 1st Floor, Conference Center
Presenter: Avery Abel, B.S. – Center for Suicide Prevention and Research, Abigail Wexner Research Institute, Nationwide Children's Hospital
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM East Coast USA Time
Exploring Uncoded Events in Suicide Attempt Classification Scales: A Comparison and Narrative Review of Two Interview Measures of Suicide Related Behavior
Location: Union Station Ballroom Foyer, 1st Floor, Conference Center
Systematic Review: Ask for their pronouns, save their life: Exploring effectiveness of health care competency training as a means of suicide prevention in LGBTQ+ youth
Location: Union Station Ballroom Foyer, 1st Floor, Conference Center
Focusing on Suicide Prevention of the Healthcare Workforce within the Zero Suicide Framework: Application of H.O.P.E. Certification and Banner Health Case Study
Addressing the High Rates of Suicide Among Healthcare Workers Through an Innovative, Comprehensive, Culturally-Responsive, and Employee-Focused Program Across a Large Healthcare System
Ambivalence, Collaboration, and Consent and the Initiation of Emergency Dispatches
by Veterans Crisis Line Responders:
Results from Two National Qualitative Studies
Location: Kojo Kamau Ballroom A, 4th Floor, Tower 402
Presenter: Peter Britton, PhD – Center of Excellence for Suicide Prevention, VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System
Crisis Services
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM East Coast USA Time
Empowering Student Voices: A Peer Leader Panel on Creating Change through Sources of Strength
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM East Coast USA Time
Empowering Student Voices: A Peer Leader Panel on Creating Change through Sources of Strength
Location: Aminah Robinson Grand Ballroom, 5th Floor, Tower 402
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM East Coast USA Time
“I’m not sure what to say…”: Helping clinicians incorporate knowledge of military culture into suicide prevention efforts with military-connected clients
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM East Coast USA Time
“I’m not sure what to say…”: Helping clinicians incorporate knowledge of military culture into suicide prevention efforts with military-connected clients
Eye of the Survivor: Lessons Learned from United Suicide Survivors International and the Power of Storytelling in Suicide Prevention and Suicide Grief Support
4:15 PM – 5:15 PM East Coast USA Time
Eye of the Survivor: Lessons Learned from United Suicide Survivors International and the Power of Storytelling in Suicide Prevention and Suicide Grief Support
Location: Kojo Kamau Ballroom A, 4th Floor, Tower 402
Integrating the Man Therapy Public Health Campaign for Men’s Mental Health and Suicide Prevention as Part of Your Suicide Prevention Programming: Effectively Reaching Hard-to-Reach Men
Reducing Suicide Among Resident Trainees: A novel approach to reducing suicide among resident physicians by altering culture, addressing stigma, and changing the conversation around suicide
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM East Coast USA Time
Reducing Suicide Among Resident Trainees: A novel approach to reducing suicide among resident physicians by altering culture, addressing stigma, and changing the conversation around suicide