- A
Abel, Avery
Center for Suicide Prevention and Research, Abigail Wexner Research Institute, Nationwide Children's Hospital
Ackerman, John
Nationwide Children's Hospital
John Ackerman
John Ackerman
John Ackerman
Adrian, Molly
Ahmed, Tazeen
Ahn, Junggeun
College of Nursing, Seoul National University
Albee, Laura
CIFC Health & Southern Connecticut State University
Albert, Sommer
Education Development Center
Sommer Albert
Sommer Albert
Ammendola, Ennio
Ohio State University (OSU)
Anestis, Michael
New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center
Antezana, Ligia
Arms, Deidre
Atkinson, Travis
TBD Solutions Inc
Atte, Tita
Thomas Jefferson University
- B
Baker, Jill
Oregon Health Authority
Bass, Conlin
Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment
Batten, Sonja
Stop Soldier Suicide
Sonja Batten
Sonja Batten
Bauder, Rosie
The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Beatty, Abby
Stop Soldier Suicide
Bekman, Nicole
VHA Office of Suicide Prevention
Belsan, Joseph
University of Southern California
Berg, Anastasia
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Bey, Alissa
Education Development Center
Biro, Kara
State of Indiana
Blakney, Jennie
New Jersey Department of Health
Jennie Blakney
Jennie Blakney
Bolner, Jackson
STRIVE at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Bond, Allie
Rutgers University
Bourgeois, Jolie
Veterans Crisis Line
Bridge, Jeffrey
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Brown, Andrew
Kansas Dept. for Aging & Disability Services
Browning, Charles
Recovery Innovations
Brown, Sarah
Brubaker, Roger
Oregon Health Authority
Burke, Kimberly
Rutgers Gun Violence Research Center
- C
Carpenter, Colleen
Stop Suicide Northeast Indiana
Cary, Julianne
Texas Tech University
Cembrale, Kelly
St. George's University Medical School
Cero, Ian
University of Rochester
Chapman, Eileen
Wounded Warrior Project
Cho, Grace
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Choi, Heeseung
College of Nursing, Seoul National University
Chu, Joyce
Community Connections Psychological Associates, Inc.
Joyce Chu
Joyce Chu
Joyce Chu
Joyce Chu
Clifton, Richelle
University of Washington
Coates, Kara
Combs, Brandon
Erika's Lighthouse
Conklin, Katie
Erika's Lighthouse
Converse, Tamala
Affiliated Sante Group/Baltimore County Crisis Response System
Cook, Tarin
Sources of Strength
Cornette, Michelle
Michelle Cornette
Michelle Cornette
Michelle Cornette
Corpus, Gabriel
Community Connections Psychological Associates
Gabriel Corpus
Gabriel Corpus
Gabriel Corpus
Costello, Ashley
Department of Children and Families
Cromwell, Kathleen
Hinds Hospice/ Fresno Survivors of Suicide Loss
Cucchiara, Claudia
Oklahoma State University
Claudia Cucchiara
Claudia Cucchiara
Cummings, Angela
Baylor College of Medicine
- D
Dapprich, Kendall
Datta, Saumya
Adelphi University
Saumya Datta
Saumya Datta
Dawi, Sahar
Delaney, Thomas
University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Thomas Delaney
Thomas Delaney
Demopoulos, Ioannis
NYC Health & Hospitals / Elmhurst Hospital
Dietsch, Jenna
TBD Solutions
Djakov, Lyenochka
Dole, Tia
Vibrant Emotional Health
Dorison, Sam
Drapeau, Christopher
Vibrant Emotional Health
Draper, John
Behavioral Health Link
Dudley, Ally
Oklahoma State University
- E
Egan, Richard
State of Nevada
Richard Egan
Richard Egan
Espelage, Dorothy
University of North Carolina
Eyman, Christina
Houston Area Suicide Prevention Coalition
- F
Foreman, April
Veterans Crisis Line
Foster, Timmy
Sources of Strength
Fox, Michelle
Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction
Freedenthal, Stacey
University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work
Stacey Freedenthal
Stacey Freedenthal
Frey, Jodi
University of Maryland, School of Social Work
Fry, Cathy
State of Nevada - Office of Suicide Prevention
- G
Gaer, Sarah
SEG Consulting LLC
Sarah Gaer
Sarah Gaer
Sarah Gaer
Gattine, Melissa
Gay, Matias
Emergency Mental Health and Addictions- IWK Children’s Hospital
Matias Gay
Matias Gay
Matias Gay
Gleason, Megan
Behavioral Health Link
Goldstein Grumet, Julie
Education Development Center
Granata Carollo, Lauren
MedaData, LLC
Granello, Darcy
The Ohio State University
Darcy Granello
Darcy Granello
Gray, Lindsey
Wounded Warrior Project
Lindsey Gray
Lindsey Gray
Gutin, Nina
Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center, Private Practice
- H
Hardy, Kate
Six Feet Over
Harris, Hudson
Deloitte Consulting
Hudson Harris
Hudson Harris
Harsche, Justina
Florida State University
Harvey, Katherine
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Hegarty, Shannon
Department of Children and Families
Heilmann, Lena
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Hendley, Tyler
Louisiana State University
Hernandez, Gissa
Veterans Crisis Line, Office of Suicide Prevention, Veterans Health Administration
Hindman, Jarrod
Sources of Strength
Hiser, Jaryd
The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Hite-Jones, Shawna
EDC (Education Development Center)
Shawna Hite-Jones
Shawna Hite-Jones
Hochstetler, Shanda
Hoeflein, Brandon
Brandon Hoeflein
Brandon Hoeflein
Holliday, Ryan
Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center for Suicide Prevention
Hommema, Laurie
Honaker, Heather
TBD Solutions Inc
Horn, Erin
Sources of Strength
Hotle, R. Keith
Stop Soldier Suicide
Hughes, Jennifer
Big Lots Behavioral Health Services, Nationwide Children's Hospital
Jennifer Hughes
Jennifer Hughes
- I
Illich, Jennifer
- J
Jarratt, Colin
Syracuse University
Javanfard, Elan
Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services
Johns, Lily
University of Michigan
Johnson, Marion
Department of Behavioral Health
Joiner, Thomas
Florida St University Department of Paychology
Jones, Elizabeth
Affiliated Sante Group
Jozlin, Laurin
EDC- Zero Suicide Institute
- K
Kahsay, Eskira
University of Michigan
Kant, Jacey
Medical College of Wisconsin
Karydi, Alexandra
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center at EDC
Alexandra Karydi
Alexandra Karydi
Kaulen, Diane
Texas Children's Hospital
Kessel, Kaleigh
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Kaleigh Kessel
Kaleigh Kessel
Khazem, Lauren
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Kim, Yijin
University of Mississippi
Klassen, Shayna
QPR Institute
Knapp, Molly
Vibrant Emotional Health
Kohlbeck, Sara
Medical College of wisconsin
Sara Kohlbeck
Sara Kohlbeck
- L
Ladd, Rachel
Lawrence, Johnell
Vibrant Emotional Health
Lewis, Laura
The Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program
Lin, I-Hsien
The Ohio State University
Lin, Perry
Littrell, Helen
Behavioral Health Link
Li, Yufei
Boston University School of Public Health
LoMurray, Scott
Sources of Strength Inc
Louis, Shye
Vibrant Emotional Health
- M
Madrigal-Weiss, Mara
San Diego County Office of Education
Manna, Lillian
Martel, Drew
CommUnity Crisis Services
Martinez Farmer, Wendy
Vibrant Emotional Health
Marvin, Cole
Department of Psychological Sciences, Texas Tech University
McCue, Elizabeth
St. Luke's Health System
McDonald, Aisha
United Way of Broward County
McGraw, James
The Ohio State University
McKeon, Richard
988 and Crisis Office/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Mednick, Alan
LivingWorks Education
Alan Mednick
Alan Mednick
Meints, Beth Ann
Integrated Services of Kalamazoo
Merrell, Grant
LivingWorks Education
Grant Merrell
Grant Merrell
Miller, Benjamin
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Miller, Paul
Santa Fe Recovery Center
Miller, Terri
Mirick, Rebecca
Salem State University
Rebecca Mirick
Rebecca Mirick
Mitaj, Dea
Mitchell, Sean
Texas Tech University
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell
Mittu, Anika
University of Maryland
Molloy, Amy
Zero Suicide at EDC
Moore, Jeffery
Moore, Michael
Adelphi University
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Murray, Theresa
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention at EDC
- N
Negrin-Perea, Alex
Florida State University
Nemour, Heather
San Diego County Office of Education
Nevers, Jennifer
Center for Deployment Psychology
Nichols, Nick
Department of Health
- O
Ocampo, Adriana
Oeser, Tracy
Postvention Collective, LLC
Orlins, Erin
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Ortiz, Christina
Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center Counseling Center
Ortiz, Shannon
Light After Loss
Owens, Dotti
Dotti Owens & Associates
Dotti Owens
Dotti Owens
Dotti Owens
- P
Paredes, Susan
Metuchen Board of Education
Parker, Tess
TBD Solutions
Park, Youngeun
College of Nursing, Seoul National University
Peacock, Angie
Picou, Paige
University of Rochester Medical Center
Polzer, Evan
Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center for Suicide Prevention
Powell, Richard
MedaData, LLC
Prater, Amberle
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Price, Myeshia
Indiana University and Kinsey Institute
Price, Sarah
State of Utah Division of Child and Family Services
Puszkiewicz, Brandon
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- R
Raymer, Christian
Crisis Support Services of Nevada
Reading, Michael
International Council for Helplines
Reidenberg, Dan
National Council for Suicide Prevention
Ribnik, Emily
Light After Loss
Riley, Tennisha
University of Florida
Rogers, Megan
Texas State University
Rojas, Destiny
Texas Tech University
Rollins, Marlon
Mind Transformed, LLC
Rosen, Tony
Rowe, Shelby
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Ruybal, Dymond
Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention
- S
Saif, Waheeda
Riverside Trauma Center
Saliba, Maria
Mayo Clinic
Sanchez Hernandez, Romina
Seattle Children's Hospital
Sandella, Michael
Thomas Jefferson University
Michael Sandella
Michael Sandella
Sarkisian, Katherine
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Schaper, Elizabeth
Veterans Crisis Line
Schoch, Lauren
Hackensack Meridian Health
Scott, Lori
University of Pittsburgh
Scott, Michelle
School of Social Work, Monmouth University
Michelle Scott
Michelle Scott
Semenza, Daniel
Rutgers University
Daniel Semenza
Daniel Semenza
Shadick, Richard
Pace University
Shea, Shawn C
Training Institute for Suicide Assessment & Clinical Interviewing (TISA)
Shook, Erika
University of Maryland School of Social Work
Singer, Jonathan
Loyola University Chicago
Smuro, Amy
NJ Department of Health
Spencer-Thomas, Sally
United Suicide Survivors International
Sally Spencer-Thomas
Sally Spencer-Thomas
Sally Spencer-Thomas
Spohn, Jess
Santa Fe Recovery Center
Stacy, Meaghan
Yale School of Medicine
Standley, Corbin
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Starkey, Austin
Louisiana State University
Steidley, Tate
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Streicher, Brooke
Texas Tech University
Swanbrow Becker, Marty
Florida State University
- T
Tajouoh Daghuie, Christel Joel
Christel Joel Tajouoh Daghuie
Thomas, Suzanne
Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center for Suicide Prevention
Thompson, April
Center for Deployment Psychology
Todoroff, Susan
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washtenaw County, MI
- U
Ulrich, Jan
Education Development Center
Unruh-Dawes, Emma
The Ohio State University
- V
VanFossen, Catherine
Thomas Jefferson University
Catherine VanFossen
Catherine VanFossen
Vossler, Thomas
Grit Digital Health
- W
Waggener, Tina
Wagler, Kayla
Oklahoma State University
Kayla Wagler
Kayla Wagler
Walker, Jessica
Veterans Affairs (VA)
Walker, Khirey
Elon University
Walrath, Christine
Christine Walrath
Christine Walrath
Walsh, Kirsten
Wounded Warrior Project
Watson, Kenjus
Watson, Ronnie
Suicide CPR Initiative/Roadways to Recovery
Weaver, Christopher
Community Connections Psych. Assoc.
Christopher Weaver
Christopher Weaver
Christopher Weaver
Webster, Annicka
Welling, Lisa
Oakland University, Rochester, MI
Wells, Tony
Oklahoma State University
Wilkey, Sarah
Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services
Wilkins, Candice
Hinds Hospice
Wintersteen, Matthew
Thomas Jefferson University
Matthew Wintersteen
Matthew Wintersteen
Wojnar, Christopher
Empowered Psychiatric Solutions
Wright-Berryman, Jennifer
University of Cincinnati
Wright, Denia-Marie
Huntsman Mental Health Institute Community Crisis Intervention & Support Services
- X
Xu, April
- Z
Zaiser, Benni
Zhong, Chuwen
University of Michigan School of Public Health